Monday, January 28, 2008

First Year Japanese II

For those of you who don't already know me here's my self-introduction:

こんにちは。 わたしのなまえはケンです。アイルランドからきました。けんどうかです。サーカーがすきです。わたしのいちばンサーカーかわジネヂネジダネです。にほんへいつたことがありません。

Hello everyone. My name is Ken. I'm from Ireland, but I've been living in New York for the past few years. My main interest in this class is to learn how to speak and read Japanese. I am very interested in Japanese history. this interest probably stems from my training in Kendo. Kendo is the Japanese martial art of fencing. Aside from Kendo, I also like soccer and my favorite player is Zinedine Zidane. Despite my interest in Japanese history and martial arts, I have never been to Japan.


げつようびからきんようびまでQBE Insurance ではたらきました。
どようびのあさ、コンストルクシャン (construction)をしました。
